What are hearts and arrows cut?

Hearts and arrows cut is the most eye-catching and most punctual cutting design in the world. It uses the world's top cupid-style cut. Looking down from the top of the diamond, you can see eight arrows of the same size, bright and symmetrical From the bottom of the diamond, it shows eight hearts that are perfectly symmetrical and full. This gives the wedding ring a unique collection value. The perfectly symmetrical eight hearts and eight arrows, and the flawless cut are amazing.

Perfection is never a patent for a few people. The heart-cut and arrow-cut diamond series is the rarest gem in diamonds. Only a few masters in the world's about 500,000 diamond cutters can handle it. Only less than one percent of the perfect diamonds in the world can cut the beautiful form of "eight hearts and arrows", which makes it more valuable. Hearts and arrows cut diamond has three perfect indicators-perfect angle ratio, extreme symmetry, and perfect mirror reflection, so it is hailed as "miracle diamond", it is the gift that every lover most desires to receive.Regardless of the angle at which Cupid’s perfectly cut diamonds can be seen from any angle, the brightest and most shining light can be seen. The love meaning reflected by its eight arrows and eight hearts is unparalleled and wonderful. A Cupid lathe diamond can refract and reflect the incident light through the internal, showing a colorful dazzling light, making the three most brilliant lights of the diamond-Scintillation, Brilliance and Spark , have reached the most radiant beauty.Precise cutting symbolizes the perfect diamonds. The eight hearts and eight arrows are symmetrical to each other, just like the visit of the Cupid, reflecting the heart and arrows, making love unwavering. The dazzling and radiant light of the eight hearts and arrows made the perfect interpretation of the dizzying situation when love came.

The hearts and arrows cut is the newest cut in the market, which is one of the fancy cut types of diamonds. In fact, the so-called hearts and arrows are just the deformation of the round and bright cut type, only a slight change in the thickness of the waist and the cutting angle. They are excellent cuts,but it is impossible to use "hearts and arrows" as a measure of "perfect" cutting.

How it comes from?

In the 1970s, during the sale of ordinary round diamonds, a Japanese business person stumbled upon some of them with excellent cutting round diamonds. Under the cutting mirror for special observation of diamonds, 8 arrows can be seen on the front, from the reverse look, it shows 8 flashing hearts. Later, after a lot of data summary, it was found that as long as the cutting of ordinary round diamonds fell into a certain range, the standard pattern of 8 hearts and 8 arrows could be presented. This phenomenon was widely accepted and spread in line with Asia's pursuit of perfection. Later, this trend even affected the European and American regions.

In English, we use H&A (Heart Arrow) to represent the well-known hearts and arrows.

In recent years, diamonds with heart and arrow in the market have become mainstream in the market. From the reaction and love of consumers in the market, heart and arrow are the best cut in diamonds. Most people think that the hearts and arrows diamond is a kind of diamond with excellent workmanship. Mainly it has the following main characteristics.

⒈Excellent brightness

⒉ Excellent fire

⒊Excellent optical symmetry

⒋Excellent optical diameter

⒌ Perfect and clear heart-shaped circle

On the market, the most beautiful diamonds are marked with Ideal Cut or Super Ideal Cut. The most perfect diamonds, its beauty mainly comes from the "brightness" of the reflected light of the gemstone and the "fire color" formed by the refraction of the diamond. "

Perhaps people are curious about the cause of eight hearts and eight arrows (why are eight hearts and eight arrows formed?), mainly due to two conditions for turning workers:

⒈ Diamond has excellent symmetry.

⒉ The round diamond's lathe achieves a certain match between the crown angle and the pavilion angle.

Heart and arrow image analysis:

Analyze the image of the arrow: each arrow is composed of an arrow and a shaft. The main surface of the pavilion is composed of several sides of the diamond. There are two surface sides and two short sides of the diamond. The long sides of the image form the shaft, short Side image forms arrow.

Analyze the image of the heart: The image of the heart is composed of the images of the two main facets of the pavilion, two upper facets and two lower facets. The complete heart shape is not only symmetrical but also has a V-shaped gap in the middle.

An Analysis of the image formation of Hearts and Arrows

The first important factor in the formation of a heart and arrow diamond is the matching of the crown angle and pavilion angle of the diamond.

Even diamonds with very good symmetry must a matching crown and pavilion angle to form hearts and arrows. In the 4C standard, the cutting of these two diamonds is "very good". Based on the calculation of this diamond optical path, Moscow State University compared the observation of diamonds with eight hearts and arrows at the corresponding crown angle and pavilion angle, and concluded that the light leakage is relatively small when the eight hearts and eight arrows seem, and when the light leakage becomes large The heart and arrow graphic disappeared.

Four misunderstandings about Hearts and Arrows

Myth 1: H&A is a special diamond cut

Correct statement: H&A is an optical phenomenon that appears in a round diamond (there is also a round square diamond). When viewing a 57-sided standard round polyhedral diamond (known as a round diamond) with a cutting mirror, if the table surface A pattern of eight arrows radiating from the center can be seen upwards. A pattern of eight hearts can be observed when the pavilion is up, and the tip of the heart is facing the center. This is the phenomenon of eight hearts and eight arrows. Therefore, the so-called eight hearts and eight arrows are not a special cut, but only the pattern effect of ordinary round diamonds whose cutting level reaches a certain standard.

Myth 2: Diamonds that can see 8 hearts and 8 arrows are H&A diamonds

Correct statement: As long as the general round faceted diamond has a good symmetry, it is possible to see a pattern similar to 8 hearts and 8 arrows, but this does not mean that this diamond is H&A diamond. The requirements of H&A diamond are very strict. It must be a perfect heart and arrow pattern. The entire pattern has a perfect round appearance and supports the diamond outline. The pattern has a little flaw, and it cannot be called H&A diamond. For example, the heart-shaped pattern is slightly asymmetrical on the left and right; the arrow part is slightly skewed; the size of the eight hearts is inconsistent; the divergence angle of the arrow is different; It has nothing to do with cutting), etc., are unqualified H&A diamonds, so consumers cannot judge whether they are H&A diamonds based solely on their observations. Must rely on professional identification certificate. Only international authoritative organizations such as IGI and HRD can issue H&A diamond certificates, and the most stringent evaluation laboratory for H&A is IGI. It should be noted that GIA does not issue H&A certificates.

Myth 3: 3EX diamonds are H&A diamonds

Correct statement: 99% of real H&A diamonds are cut 3EX, but it is not that 3EX diamonds must be H&A. The cutting ratio EX is only the average result scanned by the laboratory computer, and does not mean that every part is perfect. For example, if one angle data is slightly larger and the other angle data is slightly smaller, its average value still falls within the range of EX. But such diamonds cannot be judged as H&A. A slight deviation at any angle will cause errors in the light reflection inside the diamond, which will result in an imperfect pattern.

Myth 4: H&A diamonds are more expensive than ordinary diamonds because of commercial hype

Correct statement: H&A diamond is very difficult to do in cutting, and its required cutting ratio range is smaller and more accurate than ordinary EX. Any asymmetry or unsatisfactory ratio cannot meet H&A's evaluation. In this way, it takes longer and more difficult to polish. Moreover, the processing of H&A diamonds also consumes more rough stones than ordinary 3EX diamonds. The higher rough stone wear costs plus higher labor costs and time costs result in higher prices for H&A diamonds, which are generally higher than ordinary 3EX diamonds, so there are very few real H&A diamonds. The above two points are the reason for the high price of real H&A diamonds, not by commercial hype. But such a high price is also rewarding. The strict cutting requirements of H&A diamonds have created a more radiant and shining appearance.

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